So, you're here! Now what?

Photo of Bond University and Lake Orr.

Welcome to university! This is an exciting time for you as you embark on a new journey full of endless opportunities and possibilities. As a new student, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure about what the future holds. However, it’s important to remember that this is the perfect time to explore and define your passions, interests, and purpose in life.

Many students come to university with the sole goal of finishing their studies as soon as possible, graduating, finding any job to fund their lives, retiring with enough money to survive, and then dying. However, this concept is flawed as it assumes that simply falling into a career for the rest of your existence will bring you true happiness. Without finding your life’s purpose, you may end up feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied with your chosen career path.

University is a prime time to define your purpose, as you are often untethered from fixed commitments such as marriage, children, and non-governmental financial debt. These life tethers can create a situation where experimenting with defining what will make you happy in your life becomes virtually impossible.

But don’t worry, there are ways to more easily bring your passion into focus. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most prominent changes you can make to help you discover your passion and define your purpose in life.

Open your mind and your options

It’s easy to become psychologically stuck in the path you were forced to choose in high school. However, it’s important to remember that changing your mind is not a failure. In fact, it would be a serious failure to allow yourself to be pressured into spending your life in a career path which you do not enjoy. The first step towards finding your passion is to open your mind and your options. Explore different courses, attend workshops and seminars, and take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. This is the perfect time to experiment with different things and discover what you truly enjoy.

Read, a lot

Reading is one of the most effective ways to broaden your horizons and discover new interests. Read anything and everything available to you. Discover what you’re interested in by reading about other professionals' experiences. Additionally, even the articles or books that may not seem relevant to your studies may surprise you with insights and information that can help you discover your passion.

Utilise the resources at your disposal

As a university student, you have access to a vast range of resources that can help you discover your passion and define your purpose in life. Make use of your university library and the seemingly endless supply of online scholarly content available to you. When you become interested in a new topic, search the library for a book and discover what journal articles are available to immerse yourself in. Knowing everything about a topic or profession can assist you in either growing your passion for it or ruling it out from contention.

In addition to academic resources, universities often have expert career advice freely available. At Bond University, for instance, you can access the services of the Career Development Centre ('CDC') which can offer you help with your CV/Resume, interview skill assessments, and the organisation of work experience.

Get out in the field

If you want to be a lawyer, an architect, a psychologist, a film director, or even an actuary, you can easily contact people you know or simply cold call the relevant local corporations that may be able to allow you to shadow an employee in your chosen profession for a set period of time. This is an excellent way to prepare yourself for what you may experience in internships and clerkships later in your degree. Again, the CDC is also an excellent resource on campus to organise work experience and internships.


When it comes to networking, LinkedIn is an excellent platform to connect with other professionals in your industry or field. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and complete, including your work history, education, and any relevant skills or certifications.

Don't be afraid to reach out to people you admire or want to learn from. You can send a personalized message to introduce yourself and express your interest in connecting. You can also join LinkedIn groups related to your industry or interests to network with like-minded individuals.

In addition to LinkedIn, attending networking events and conferences is another great way to meet people in your field. You can also look for local meetups or professional organizations to join.

Remember, networking is about building relationships, not just handing out business cards. Be genuine in your interactions and take the time to get to know people. You never know who may be able to help you in the future or who you can help in return.

It's finally cool to be a teacher's pet

As a new university student, you are embarking on a journey that has no standard manual. The choices you make during this time can have a significant impact on the direction your life takes. That's why it's essential to start off on the right foot by diversifying your knowledge, being highly adaptable, and taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

One such opportunity is to embrace being a bit of a teacher's pet. While this concept may have negative connotations from high school, in the adult world, it simply means being kind and fostering positive relationships with your lecturers and tutors. Many educators run businesses externally to their university positions and are well-networked, so building a positive relationship with them can pay dividends in the future.

By demonstrating your ability to achieve highly both academically and socially, you may find that educators are more likely to recommend you for positions and other opportunities that arise during your time at university. These recommendations can be invaluable, as they can help you to make valuable connections and find your purpose in life.

Remember, success in life is not just about academic achievements; it's about having a broad range of experiences, skills, and knowledge. By being open-minded and taking advantage of all that university life has to offer, you'll be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

So take heed of this advice, set yourself up for success, and enjoy the journey. Your time at Bond University is an opportunity to learn, grow, and create lifelong memories. Seize it with both hands, and who knows where it may lead you in life.

A version of this article was also published in Scope Magazine by the Bond University Student Association.

This content is for reference purposes only and is intended to be current as at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain legal advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action relating to matters covered by this content.

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